Guidance for Aspiring Boxers

Boxing's Greatest Champions Share Their Secrets

Boxing is classified as one of the global combat sports and is considered one of the most prominent forms of martial arts and self-defense. This sport relies mainly on striking and dodging skills, as the boxer seeks to land punches on their opponent while avoiding blows to achieve victory. There are specific rules and regulations that every professional boxer must adhere to in order to ensure the fight takes place within an organized and fair sporting framework.

Although professional boxing is extremely challenging, it is not impossible to succeed for those with passion and determination. This sport combines strength and strategic skill, with many great champions achieving success through hard work and consistent dedication. They wrote their names in the history of boxing thanks to victories earned after difficult confrontations, sometimes costing great effort and sometimes blood. The experiences of these champions provide a source of inspiration and valuable lessons for anyone striving for excellence in this field.

How to become a professional boxer?

1- Risk, courage and growth

Be free and do what you want and what you are convinced of, and be firm in your decisions, prove your steps, and have boldness and strength in every goal that you apply for its implementation. He said, "Fly like a butterfly and a stinger like a bee."He also said, “He who is not brave enough to take risks...will never achieve anything in life.” “If my mind can imagine something, and my heart can believe it, I can achieve it.”
“If you train hard, fighting is easy.” Quote from Manny Pacquiao.

Failure  is a natural thing that every successful person experiences and the secret of success are failures. You have to change your mindset about this matter. Most people think that failure is the opposite of success, but it is not. Rather, it is true that failure complements success. Sometimes you make wrong decisions that lead you to failure and get disappointed, but The sure thing is that you won't make a mistake again, you learn from the experiences you have. We can infer that from the words of Mike Tyson: "Everyone has a plan to get punched in the face."
The name of the game is to hit and not get hit.” — Floyd Mayweather.

2-There is no place to give up and retreat

You must always do not stop, no matter how hard you encounter difficulties and problems in your life, always defend your dream and do not abandon it, and do the impossible to achieve your desire. Mohamed Ali Klay :
Champions are not made in the training halls. Champions are made.”
 Of things deep within them, that is a will, dream, and vision... They must be able to endure to the last minute, they must be a little faster, they must have the skill and the will, but the will must be stronger than the skill.”
I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't give up. Suffer now and live the rest of your life like a champion.' - Mohamed Al

3-Don't care what others say

Some people do not like to see you as a successful person, so they strive to destroy you and destroy you from within, and this is all just to see you frustrated and useless, they enjoy it so do not listen to anyone and do not let anyone influence you and know your friend well because sometimes evil is near and we do not know and it is the most people hurt and hurt.
Impossible is just a big word propagated by little men who find it easier to live in the world that has been given to them than to discover the power they have to change it..the impossible is not a fact..he saw the impossible as possible and temporary..the impossible is nothing.”

Do not live in the past, but always look to the future, look forward, plan and implement, and never back down from a decision that you accept because when you become old and gray, you will regret the things you did not do more than the things you did and did not work.
The hero Muhammad Ali Clay said: “The man who looks at the same world at the age of fifty as
He did at the age of twenty, wasting 30 years of his life.”

4-Have persistence and determination

Persistence and determination are two unique qualities that strengthen the personality of the individual and create within him a heart full of positive energy and impulse. You have to know that nothing is always easy. You have to strive and you will surely encounter problems and obstacles in your way. This is a must.
if you train hard, the fight is easy.” - Manny Pacquiao

They have to be able to last until the last minute, they have to be a little faster, they have the skill and the will, but the will has to be stronger than the skill.” Muhammad Ali

5-Control your anger and be patient

We always hear our parents and friends advising us to give up patience, saying that patience is the key to relief, and it is also one of the keys to success. What a beautiful feeling of pleasure after long fatigue and patience. And you have to realize that no person on the face of the earth has become at the top but has experienced many difficulties and problems that were standing like a barrier in his way, but he was patient and would not give up his dream. Control your anger and maintain your focus.
From the sayings of Muhammad Ali Clay:
Falling in the ring is like falling outside, there is no shame in that
You fall to the ground, but the fault is to stay on the ground.”
If you thought, even in dreams, that you would defeat me, you have to wake up from your dream and apologize to me.” From the sayings of Muhammad Ali Clay


So that Muhammad Ali Clay said: If I thought, even in dreams, that
 You beat me, you have to wake up from your dream and apologize to me.”

It also came from the advice and sayings of Muhammad Ali Clay that he said: “I
 The greatest. I said it even before I knew it too... but I realized
If I say it enough, I will convince the world that I really am the greatest.”

It is a powerful and profound speech, and one of the most beautiful and wonderful advice that I can give
 Presented by the world champions in boxing to the general public, these tips are not limited to boxers only, but are directed to every person who wanted to succeed and achieve his goals and dreams in whatever it was.
These heroes are immortalized by history

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