Signs that appear before a heart attack occurs


What are the symptoms of blocked arteries?

Coronary artery blockage (atherosclerosis) is considered one of the most prominent health issues facing many people in modern times. This is due to unhealthy diets rich in fats, sugars, and many other harmful substances.

Coronary artery blockage is extremely dangerous and can lead to a heart attack or stroke. It occurs when fatty deposits (plaque) accumulate inside the coronary arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart muscle. Warning signs indicating a blockage in the arteries may appear a month or more before a heart attack, making it crucial to pay attention to these signs, listen to your body, and consult a doctor if you suspect any issues.

Key signs before a heart attack:

1- Chest pain or tightness (angina): Feeling pain or pressure in the chest can occur during physical activity or even at rest. This pain is often described as a sensation of pressure or heaviness in the center of the chest, which may radiate to the left arm, back, jaw, or neck. The pain may happen repeatedly and subside after rest or taking medication such as nitroglycerin.

2- Shortness of breath: Reduced blood flow to the heart can lead to difficulty breathing or feeling as though you're not getting enough air, especially during exertion. A person may experience shortness of breath even during simple daily tasks like walking or climbing stairs.

3- Unexplained fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or excessively fatigued, even without engaging in strenuous activities, can be an early sign that the heart is not receiving enough blood. Women, in particular, may experience this symptom more frequently than men.

4- Dizziness or lightheadedness: Blocked arteries can reduce blood flow to the brain, causing dizziness or lightheadedness. In some cases, this may also result in fainting or an inability to maintain balance.

5- Nausea or cold sweats: Feeling nauseous or breaking out in a cold sweat may be a sign that the heart is struggling to pump blood properly. These symptoms can be mistaken for digestive issues, but it’s important to take note if they occur alongside other heart-related symptoms.

6- Pain in other areas of the body: The person may feel pain in areas beyond the chest, such as the arms, shoulders, back, jaw, or neck. This pain is often referred from the heart.

7- Irregular heartbeats (palpitations): Some may experience a rapid or irregular heartbeat, which can be a sign of problems with blood flow to the heart. Unexplained or persistent palpitations should prompt medical attention.

8- Swelling in the limbs: Poor blood circulation can cause fluid buildup in the body, leading to swelling in the ankles or feet. Swelling indicates that the heart is struggling to pump blood efficiently, causing fluid retention.

Why do these symptoms occur?

Coronary arteries are responsible for supplying the heart muscle with blood loaded with oxygen and nutrients. When these arteries are partially or completely blocked, the amount of blood flowing to the heart decreases, causing ischemia, which in turn leads to the symptoms mentioned.

These symptoms may be a sign of an approaching heart attack, so people who experience these symptoms should consult a doctor immediately.

What causes blocked arteries?

From a scientific standpoint, clogged arteries occur as a result of the accumulation of fats, cholesterol, and other substances within the walls of the arteries. This accumulation is called "plaque", and it leads to narrowing of the arteries and hinders normal blood flow. The main causes that lead to clogged arteries are:

1- High levels of harmful cholesterol (LDL): It is deposited in the walls of the arteries and forms fatty plaques that cause clogged arteries. It is caused by eating foods rich in saturated fats (such as fatty meats and full-fat dairy products). Also, lack of exercise and obesity may be a cause of high levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

2- Obesity: Excess weight is one of the reasons that may lead to clogged arteries.

3- Smoking: Smoking reduces levels of good cholesterol and increases the accumulation of harmful cholesterol on the walls of the arteries.

4- Stress and stress: These are considered indirect causes that may cause blockage in the arteries of the heart, because stress and stress build unhealthy habits such as smoking or excessive eating.

5- Genetic factors: Many of us do not pay attention to this type of factor, but genetic factors are scientifically proven to be the cause of blockage of the heart arteries in an individual, because there are recorded cases of people who have good health, eat healthy foods, and do not suffer from health problems. However, they may develop Heart attacks due to high levelsBad cholesterol due to genetic reasons.

Preventive measures for clogged heart arteries:

This rapid spread of heart disease in recent years highlights the need to take preventive measures by improving lifestyle and increasing awareness of the importance of regular medical examination for early detection of heart problems. 

1- Regular examination: Conduct periodic examinations, especially if you have risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of heart disease.
2- Proper nutrition: Follow a healthy diet rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables, and avoid foods rich in saturated fats and salt.
3- Physical activity: Exercising regularly to improve heart health and reduce fat accumulation in the arteries.
4- Stop smoking: Smoking is one of the main factors that increase the risk of heart disease.
5- Controlling stress: Chronic stress may increase blood pressure and negatively affect heart health.

If you notice any of these symptoms or feel an abnormal change in your body, it is necessary not to be complacent and to consult a doctor to obtain the necessary evaluation.

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